Friday, July 8, 2016

4 Investigators at Church!

Yes. The title says it all and I am THRILLED. Let me just tell you. Filling an entire long bench in the chapel with all of our investigators and their kids and us is the best thing that's ever happened.

Salina and her baby Zion, Sister Diamond and her son Zarek, and Sister Bizzard and her 4 children (one of them being the age of 8 -- thus one of the 4 investigators at church). It was AWESOME! And the kids behaved so well. I fasted that they would all have a good experience at church and they totally DID! Ahhh, I love it. Sister Bizzard's kids are the cutest thing on the planet, from ages 8 down to 3. So so cute. I love them soo much! They always give us so many hugs and hate it when we leave! 

We really saw miracles in our investgators' lives this week. The OBJECT OF THE WEEK was to get Sister Bizzard and her kiddos to church. She has such a desire to get baptized and live the gospel, but she's got everything against her with no car and no phone and a crazy life. But, though diligent labor and much prayer, on Saturday (on exchanges, actually, with Sister Linker), we found 2 people to drive all the kids and two car seats for the two little ones. It took all day! But it was a labor of love! It was a blast running around trying to make it happen. And, finally finally finally, Sister Bizzard got to come to church with her children. It was a beautiful moment to see them all walk in all dressed nicely and being reverent. SO CUTE! 

I love when you can really tell when people are repenting, because they start acting more as an agent, than an object. They start doing things themselves and wanting to do things, not just because the missionaries ask them to. They see why they need to do it. They start recognizing the blessings. They start to become truly converted. 

I hope you all realize that you're all converts. Whether you've been in the church your whole life or have only joined in the past year or are only just now discovering the gospel, we all must have our moments of conversion to the Lord. We all must come to a point that we really and truly come to know if these things are true or not (and I testify that they are true). If you don't yet know for sure if these things are true, ask. The source of all wisdom and all knowledge is available for us 24/7. And I know you will find an answer. 

The gospel is the only thing in the world that can truly bring happiness and peace in this life and the life to come. Christ and His gospel is literally the only way. And I have truly come to know that. 

I am grateful for my Savior who has seen me through my darkest nights and cloudiest days. I attribute all I am to my Heavenly Father and my Savior. I invite all to turn to Them. Turn to Christ. 

Sister Eldridge
 Also! Graham Zone picture! Awesome zonnneee!