Tuesday, March 29, 2016

New companion and the work is going forth!‏

What a week! So this is what a new transfer feels like. It's pretty AMAZING so far.

My new companion Sister Stewart is just literally the BEST! I love her so much already and we connected immediately. There's been a lot of changes, though! For instance, I don't drive anymore! I'm co-pilot which means I have to do all the backing up outside the car now, ha! She's the senior comp so she drives. She's 22, from Vernal, Utah, and a Vet Tech graduate! So cool! AND EVEN COOLER, she was my MTC Comp's trainer. So she was with Sister McClellan last transfer. Now she knows both of us! She said she's the luckiest missionary in the mission to get both of us back to back as companions haha. So now Sister Stewart is my follow up trainer and I am learning a TON. She is great at talking to people and keeping the gospel so simple and straight forward. The work is going forth so fast now that she is here; it's amazing. We have seen a lot of miracles already. 

One day, we just had one miracle after another. First, we were going to see a potential named Jake. We weren't sure what was going to happen, but it was super weird, every time I went to talk about Jake, the name "Russell" would accidentally come out. Even when I was praying before going to the lesson! I would accidentally say Russell! Now, Russell is another potential we tried to set an appt with a few weeks ago, who was a media referral from a few years ago that said he is ready to have God in his life now that he is getting clean from his addictions. Super cool! Except he didn't show up to his appt and we were sad and didn't have his # and couldn't get in touch again... But I knew we needed to keep trying. So anwyay, we're going to Jake's, but I kept feeling like we needed to go see Russell. We go to Jake's and he's not home, so I know for sure we HAVE to go see Russell. And we drive all the way there and BAM, he's just pulled up to his house and we catch him!!! And he apologizes for not being home last time, honestly forgetting he had another appt and we immediately set up a new appt! And got his # this time. He had a friend there too that was interested that might come to the lesson, too! MIRACLE! Finally got an appt with him! It's this tuesday and we hope it happens this time! 

Next, we felt prompted to go see a less-active who has goats and Sister Stewart loves goats cuz she's a farm girl that has goats at her house in Utah so that made her happy. But, while we were there, we got a text from a member, Sister Hawken, that asked us to drop off invitations for the ward's Easter activity the next day at a former investigator's house that is starting to get interested in studying again. We said sure! But then she said, "actually she's at my house if you want to come her!" We happened to be literally right around the corner from her house... And so we did! And we saw this investigator we have also been trying to get in touch with forever! It worked out so perfectly... Miracle! And even more of a miracle, we got to watch the #Hallelujah video with her at Sister Hawken's and leave with a prayer, and it was so powerful. Then, Sister Hawken invited her to our dinner appointment we have with the Sister Hawken on Wednesday. Ahhh so awesome! So we might actually get a real lesson with her! Woo! It was a miracle. 

Want to know the greatest miracle of that day? We went to Randy's after that with a mission in mind... to encourage him to "bury his weapons of rebellion" (referring to the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's) and get rid of what was holding him back from his baptism (namely, certain magazines). And HE DID IT. He simply left the doorway with the trashbag we brought, put them in there, and BAM, they were GONE! MIRACLE! He was initially not wanting to change at all and not interested in getting baptized anymore because of it. But, he changed. The magazines are gone and in the TRASH! YEAH! That's faith right there. Things are progressing with Randy and we are in touch with his daughter to FOR SURE get a date that works for his family to be at his baptism and she is all for supporting him in his new faith and helping him live it (how legit is that? missionary opportunities for her now!). 

Sister Stewart and I have decided that if we strive to be exactly obedient, that we will see blessings and miracles. And we so have! The hardest way it has been to be exactly obedient this week is we only have 50 miles left for the car for the rest of the month and this area is HUGE and it's a normal day to go drive 30 miles a day. So it has been TOUGH, but we have just been getting rides and parking and walking a LOT and using our bikes. We are trying our very best not to go over on miles and be exactly obedient! It takes sacrifice, but the Lord always blesses us for sacrifice. I love working together with Sister Stewart! She is so solid! We have been seeing success. And we are having fun!

Easte Sunday was lovely. I played I Believe In Christ on violin with Sister Vach on piano and it was incredible... the spirit was so strong and I was SO grateful to share my testimony through music. It's the best way I know how. The ward was all in tears... I love music so much! We had Easter dinner at the Toomey's house and it was the BEST! That family is so dang funny, I love them! Sister Toomey is the YW president and is awesome. She has 3 boys and they are hilarious. Brother Toomey said something SO FUNNY! He was telling us he shared the #Hallelujah video on facebook with his testimony (yes!) and he goes, "Yeah that video is great! Pound Hallelujah!" And I said..."Pound Hallelujah??? You mean, hashtag???" HAHAHA! He goes "In my day # is called pound!!!" Oh my gosh we all died laughing! POUND HALLELUJAH! :) They made our day and even made our night better, because Sister Stewart and I had a TOUGH evening of nothing happening even though we tried so many people. We did however, meet a less-active that said we can come back in two weeks! But we were bummed and cold and we were walking around in icy rain and it was hard. But then Sister Toomey texted and said, "Come back you forgot your Easter treats!" Ahhh little tender mercies...She gave us homemade filled chocolate eggs of all flavors. It was just what we needed after a long day. 

The Lord loves us. The Savior lives. He suffered, he bore the burdens, and he overcame them, even death. Death is not the end. We will all live again. Everyone! What a gift! 

I am doing well now. All adjusted into missionary life. We'll see what happens this second transfer! Wow, time goes fast. I've been out for 2 months already. 

Take care, all! 

Sister Eldridge
PS: PICSSS! Sister Loeak and I at transfers. Our last pics together! 
And Sister Stewart and I after a tough Sunday night, but we got eggs!!! 

Sister Juliann Marie Eldridge
Washington Federal Way Mission
23175 224th PI SE Ste E
Maple Valley, WA 98038
United States

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