Monday, February 8, 2016

My first week in Washington... almost!


I've been in Washington for almost a week now and I can't believe how slow time is going, let me tell ya! Haha! I can't believe I'm a missionary and life is just so surreal. 

Things got going really quickly, the second I got off the plane at the Seattle airport. President Eaton and his wife met us at baggage and immediately they were having us do missionary work, talking to people that work at the airport. At one point, I was given a pass along card by President Eaton with Christ on it and he was like "tell this man about it!" and I was like uhh uhhhhh...!! It was scary haha, I had no idea what I was even doing, but I did it? So, basically, the second I was in the field, I was thrown into the deep end and told to swim. Ahhhhh! 

That's basically how this whole week has been. I was thrown head first with not a clue what was going on. Every day and every second I was learning something new about what it means to be a missionary and what I'm supposed to do and say. I seriously have no idea what's going on half the time, it's great. But, each day I learn more and what I'm supposed to do and why I'm even here. It took me a few days before I actually, like, talked. When I got my companion at the stake center, I was immediately told I was the driver and I was like WELL THEN OKAY. I was terrified at the start at not even knowing who my companion was and then told I was to drive away that day in the car. Haha, I feel like the first few days there was no explanation of anything, just, "OKAY GO AND DO STUFF" and I'm all, but...but...ahh, okay??! Haha, it's taking some getting used to. I don't like feeling uncomfortable, but I guess I better get used to that. Comfort zones don't exist right now.

So, as mentioned before my companion/trainer is Sister Loeak from the Marshall Islands. She is really patient with all my questions because half the time I still have no idea what's going on. I ask a LOT of questions, too...because, Sister Loeak forgets I'm new and starts doing something expecting me like I know what's going on and I don't... :) She says she forgets I'm new because I'm already getting super involved in everything, like teaching. It's weird for her to remember I'm new, haha, so I have to remind her. Especially when I'm driving. I haven't a clue where I'm going, so sometimes we miss turns because she thinks I know where I am when I don't! Haa. Like I said, though, she's wayyy patient and is teaching me a LOT. She is so kind, when she found out she was going to be training, she prayed that she would get the best, most obedient missionary, and she got me and is really happy about it. She says I'm doing really well, even though I'm terrified, haha.

The work got started pretty quickly when I came here, as we have a few investigators that we are working with. One of them, Randy (he's a 75 year old man with a lot of stories!!), came to church with us on Sunday! It was kind of a miracle because Sister Loeak and her previous companion had asked him before multiple times and he was like, "nahhhh...not ready." But, then we just decided we were going to stop by Sunday morning with a member and just straight up invite him again. So, we get to the door and the member we are with, who didn't know that we hadn't already actually invited him yet, goes, "Ready to go??" and Randy goes, "Let me get my coat!" And Sister Loeak and I are like, wait...what?! We didn't even ask him to go to church and he's just ready to go! It was crazy!! So he came! It was fast and testimony meeting so I got up and bore my testimony and Randy said it was beautiful. He is the nicest old man! Seriously so sweet. We are reading the Book of Mormon with him right now and helping him with his family history. He's still unsure about everything, and sometimes doesn't like to listen, but we are taking small steps with him each day all the time to help him. He really wants to be with his departed wife again, so we are trying to help him understand how that can happen. We'll keep trying. I have such a love for this man I just met.

We have a few other investigators. Bryn, a mom of 2, commited to be baptized, but we haven't been able to see her in a few days. But, she is a huge potential because she is searching for truth, as she put it. Super open to what God wants for her. So we have high hopes. It's just hard to get together with her because of her schedule. Victoria is another, who is coming to church each sunday, but still just trying to figure out which church is really right for her. She said she just needs time. 

It's hard figuring out how exactly to do this work. I want to make sure I'm doing all I can...following the spirit as well as I can. Praying for the right things. Praying often... I get so caught up in making sure that I'm doing things "right" that I don't enjoy them anymore. I'm also still nervous a lot and learning a lot, so I'm a little apprehensive. There's also a TON of paperwork/logistical things to learn too... I have no idea what this 18 months is going to bring, but I know it's good things... I just need to be patient in the adjusting period. After all, it's only been (not even) a week! It's felt like sooo much longer... Time works weird in the mission. One minute seems like an hour (in a good way). You seem to have a lot more time than you think. If that makes sense. Being obedient, I think, does that. Going to sleep at 10:30 and waking up at 6:30 exactly right. Honestly, I'm just tickled to get up at 6:30 because that's normally when I left the house for student teaching in Vegas, ha, so this is a great plus.

The place we live (in Maple Valley) is a SUPER nice apartment over a garage at a member's home/property. It's a gated property settled in the woods. SO beautiful... seriously. The trees are SUUUUUUUPER TALL here! I have never seen trees so tall in my life! I'm currently in Maple Valley and they say this is one of the most beautiful areas. I see Mt. Ranier (no idea how to spell that) every morning when we drive from the house. So cool. So foresty and green around here. Also, the moss. Moss everywhere on everything! It's cool. This area is kind of tough, though, because the houses are super spread apart and most of them are off the high way, so tracting is a little awkward... They all have super long drive ways and are off by themselves, so it's like, when you knock on a door, they know it took actual effort to get to their doorstep and they're kinda like, "what are you even doing here and how did you find me" hahahaha. Tracting is not my favorite, but I'm trying my best. I just don't know what to say to help them understand why I'm on their doorstep because apparently we're supposed to stay away from, "we're the missionaries." I dunno. I guess I'm just going to have faith that I will find those that are prepared. 

The ward here, the Cedar River ward, is great. The bishop is amazing. He's a younger bishop with a family and SO dedicated not only to his ward, but to missionary work. We also have a really dedicated Ward mission leader who is incredible. We get a ton of support from the ward and it's super helpful. We usually easily find members to come to lessons if we need it.  Like with Randy. He lives alone so we have to bring a member every time we teach him, but we usually find them! So yeah the ward is great and super welcoming. They were amazing when Randy came to church. Lots of people introduced themselves and made him feel welcome. 

I'm trying to think if there's anything else...hmm... I dunno. I'm a missionary. That's still weird. It's exhausting, but it's not. Honestly, I'm still weirded out by the fact that I'm not practicing/playing my violin every second of the day. There's more down time in missionary work than I expected. Not that we're not doing anything, because we are, we're constantly planning or calling or whatever, but it's not like I am out walking 24/7 or anything. It's honestly way more chill than I expected it to be. It's busy, yeah, but I dare say not as busy as school was. If anything, what I'm saying is, being a music major really prepared me for missionary work because I'm really not stressed out about the amount of "stuff" to do. I'm stressed out about all the new things I'm learning, but not the to-do list. If that makes sense. Being in a schedule is just normal life. (Except for my last few weeks of living at home before my mission when I spent 12 hours a day in my Batman onesie... ;) )

Welllllllll... if anything, I'm doing pretty much okay. A little nervous, still, but okay. I want to get to the point where I'm totally lost in the work, but I know it'll take time. Right now I'm still in the "figure out how to function as a human being" stage hahaaa. 

Love you all! So happy I got to write today on p-day! 

Sister Eldridge
PS: Here is my mission president and his wife on my first day in the field. 

We all signed the doorstop to our MTC classroom :)

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