Friday, April 29, 2016

Gordon the Snail

This was a good, good week. I finally feel like I am functioning like a normal human being again! What a relief! It's crazy how fast you can go downhill and then how much of a longer process it can be to rebuild. But by small and simple things... :)

It was really another week of miracles! For one, we have a new investigator named Betty! She's the neighbor of members, the Petersons, and is super nice! She has horses and the best view in all of Washington, I'm telling you... Beautiful green rolling hills and blue skies (when it's not raining). We have been helping her pull weeds and then she invited us to come on the porch and talk! I had the opportunity to just teach on the spot and testify of the Restoration. Sometimes we don't wait for permission to teach -- we just teach. :) We invited her to come to the Family History Activity the ward was putting on. WHICH LEADS TO ANOTHER COOL STORY: Initially Betty wasn't super interested in family history, but she knew her neighbor, Pat, was. So she went over to Pat's and gave her the invite and Pat FREAKED OUT and got SUPER EXCITED and wanted to go super bad! Which is amazing because she's another one of the Peterson's neighbors and Sister Peterson was going to go over and invite Pat herself to the activity, but Betty got to her first! Haha! Our investigator totally did missionary work! Solid... 

Betty wasn't totally sure if she was going to come, but Sister Peterson and Pat encouraged her... and by a miracle... SHE CAME! It was the coolest thing to see her there! And it really inspired her to do family history! Go Spirit of Elijah! We are thrilled. It's also super inspired me to work on my family history when I get home. It's so important! Our ancestor's need these saving ordinances. The Cedar River ward is super into family history and it's been such a blessing for me and inspires me all the time to do more of it. For sure going to do that when I get home! 

We finally got in contact with Russell again and found out that he has been struggling with addictions again. It's so hard. :( But, I felt inspired to ask him if he wanted a Priesthood blessing, and he agreed! We went over with Bishop and Bro Campbell, his first counselor, on Saturday and it was an INCREDIBLE spiritual experience! Bishop and Bro Campbell spent a long time talking to Russell and helping him understand faith and action and the Atonement and it was just an amazing meeting and I wish I remembered all he said! Oh, and this is all happened on the porch, by the way, outside his house cause we didn't have another Sister to go in, haha... :) The blessing Russell got was so powerful and the spirit was strong. Bishop and Bro Campbell left and we stayed and talked to Russell. We got to clear up some of his concerns that people have brought up with him about Mormons (such as the notion that we don't believe Christ to be the Son of God; why, of course we do!) and he was happy to get a lot of things cleared up. He is so willing to learn! He's still not sure if he believes the whole "mormon thing", but I told him straight up: It all weighs upon the Book of Mormon. It's either true or it's not. And if the Book of Mormon is true, everything we've told him is true. If the Book of Mormon is true, then Joseph Smith is a prophet and really restored this Church and really translated the book by the power of God, and we really do have the priesthood restored. THAT is how important the Book of Mormon is. I challenged him to read it and find out if it's true. And he said he would. 

Being a missionary is so cool. To be completely honest, it's taken me a little while to get to this point with trying to adjust to the life of a mission and getting over home sickness and such, but after seeing so many miracles and testifying boldly, I can say that I know this work is the most important thing I could be doing right now and yields so many eternal consequences for more than just me. It's just... incredible. 


Lots of fun little miracles this week, such as making plans to do one thing, but then that one thing not working out, but we were supposed to see someone different along the way -- that happened a lot. For example, we made a plan to go see a former investigator, Bryn. We went over there and she wasn't home, but we saw a man working outside. Sister Stewart stopped the car and said, "We have to go talk to him." And so we turned around and went over to him. COOLEST EXPERIENCE EVER, so his name was Arnesto and he's from Auburn (not in our area), but Sister Stewart totally turned into a spanish speaking hermana for a second... She asked if she could practice her spanish with him and he agreed and she just starts fluently speaking spanish and I'm like ???? woah?? what! It was so cool! He ended up only taking a card, but it was so cool to hear my comp suddenly be speaking spanish. So we get back in the car and I'm like WAY TO GO! And she tells me that that morning during exercise she had felt a prompting to brush up on her spanish and she practiced a pretend conversation in her head of talking to a spanish speaker and such, and in her head, she made up the name.... ARNESTO. The EXACT name of the person we met on the street! She said the conversation that happened in real life was the EXACT conversation she practiced in her head...and the SAME NAME OF THE PERSON. That is just... You can't even deny that God is real after an experience like that, ha! A testimony of role playing often to receive inspiration, I swear! SO COOL! We hope one day the missionaries in Auburn find Arnesto. :) 

SO, the title of my email... :) We were tracting before dinner last night and it had been raining pretty bad and we walked down this hill... and saw the BIGGEST snail I have ever seen in my entire life. Just look at that thing! It's as long as my hand! What the heck! It was pretty gross. Haha. There are snails and slugs everywhere here when it rains. Seriously, though, this snail was just massive. We crouched down and watched it for a while and since we couldn't find anyone to teach, we just...well...decided to teach the snail... :) I named him Gordon and we told him God loved him and created him and everything! Sister Stewart started poking at Gordon and he shrunk up and did that weird snail thing where they hide inside of themselves to protect themselves. Then I realized, there was definitely an object lesson here... 

Sometimes, when adversity hits and satan starts poking at us, we shrink and hide. We turn inward and shut out the world, assuming that no one has it as bad as us and that life will never be okay again. Yet, what Gordon had to do in order to get to safety (since he was in the road) was to actually turn outward -- to come out of his shell and to act and do something. The same is for us. When we find ourselves struggling, our initial response is to turn inward and only care about ourselves. But it is not until we turn outward and start looking towards others that we find peace and healing. The second the snail came back out, he was able to start moving again and get to safety to the side of the road. 

You can find gospel principles and life lessons in anything...even giant snails. :)

There were many other miracles this week, just being in the right place at the right time and seeing the people we needed to see, but this will suffice for this week. I am so grateful to be on a mission. More and more every day I am seeing that this experience and everything that goes along with it was so needed for my eternal salvation. Literally. I needed the experience I am having here and the people I am meeting. I have been realizing more and more how not ready I thought I was for other upcoming stages in my life. I had/have so much to learn. And I am grateful I am learning! I will be a better member, wife, and mother for going on a mission. I am being prepared for my future family. And this is the best possible way I could be preparing! 

What a humbling thing to say after saying for 5 years I'd never go on a mission. People change, I guess. :) The Atonement makes it possible. 

Have a great week! 

Sister Eldridge
Sister Juliann Marie Eldridge
Washington Federal Way Mission
23175 224th PI SE Ste E
Maple Valley, WA 98038
United States

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