Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Transfer #3

Wow, I'm in my third transfer already? That went fast. And, the verdict is: Nothing! I am staying in Maple Valley another 6 weeks with Sister Stewart. Phew. No big changes. I didn't want to be transferred because way too lazy to pack... :) Haha. As of yesterday, I've been in Maple Valley for 3 months. And it's BEAUTIFUL HERE IN THE SPRING! Man oh man. Washington really is a beautiful as they say.

Last week was a SLOWW one. We called it "the week of cancelled appointments." Pfftt. It really was true. And Randy is out of town so we haven't been able to teach him! It was a tough week with a whole lot of not a lot happening, but I suppose we have weeks like that here and there. It was difficult, because I started feeling down again, but this time it wasn't as bad as it normally was. I could actually get up and work this time, unlike last time. So that was a little better. It's still a struggle, but I usually feel better. And I do feel better now. 

By far the biggest miracle this week is that Russell has a baptismal date! It is amazing! He came to church on Sunday, too, and he was even fasting because he wanted to get the full experience. He made comments in Sunday School and said he really enjoyed Elder's Quorum. Sooo good! We had an incredibly spiritual lesson yesterday about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the power the Atonement has to change our very nature. Amazinggg. He agreed to June 17 as his baptismal date! He goes into treatment for the next 3 weeks today so we won't be able to teach him, but he is bringing his Book of Mormon and really wants to find an answer. We will be praying like crazy for him for the next three weeks, that's for sure... He is so solid, though! We are excited for him. This will change all eternity for him. That's what we do as missionaries... we change peoples' eternities. Think about that... (though, they, of course, have to choose it.)

So yeaaaahhh, not many cool stories for this week! But the weather, as said, is gorgeous and the rain is gone for a bit. We are blessed, we are like probably the only missionaries in Washington that have A/C in our apartment, haha, most everywhere here doesn't have A/C. I'm grateful for that. 

Something I have been pondering lately is how quickly we forget spiritual experiences we have, even if at the time they deem to change our lives. We are such forgetful beings. I was reading in Alma the other day about how Alma is telling the people, "How could you have possibly hardened your hearts after this experience and this experience and this and this and this..." And I thought, wow. I do the same thing in my life sometimes. I have life changing spiritual experiences pretty much on a weekly basis, yet sometimes I still murmur and complain and forget the amazing things the Lord has done for me, and further, forget the power the Lord has to deliver me from whatever I may be going through. The Exodus is brought up more than once in the Book of Mormon, saying things such as, "Look what God can do! He delivered the people out of Egypt! Don't you think he can help you, too?" May we never doubt the power God has and the power of the Atonement readily available in our lives. It is the hardening of our own hearts that denies these things. We are to knock and we are to remember. This is why scripture study and prayer and church attendance and temple attendance and FHE and mutual and institute and family prayer and so on are so important: It's so we REMEMBER! Constantly. Every day. All the time. Remembering the Savior. Building our relationship with Him. Becoming like Him. I hope that when the day of judgement comes I can stand in front of the Savior and be like Him. That he will shine in my countenance. That is hard to do in this mortal life, full of the natural man and temptation and tired minds and annoying people everywhere. But may we ever try and depend on the Atonement to make it happen, to turn from natural man to saint. 

Hope you all have a good week! New week ahead and our only investigator is in treatment for three weeks... Haaahaha. Better find some new people to teach, eh? 

Love you all.


Sister Eldridge

PS: talk to you soon, family! skyping on Sundayyy!
1. Sooo we planted some ferns in a member's garden and I didn't have gloves. I got muddy hands!!! 
2. Our legit district! My fav district so far, by far! Looove them! (Sister on the far right is Sister Erickson and she's being transferred sooo saaad!)
3. My goofy comp... I don't know what to do with her sometimes... her ears were cold?

Sister Juliann Marie Eldridge
Washington Federal Way Mission
23175 224th PI SE Ste E
Maple Valley, WA 98038
United States

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