Monday, June 27, 2016


Well, the Lord has a plan! Sister Zavala was transferred on Saturday to Auburn, so the trio was broken up! Noo! It was really sad, because we all loved it so much, but a sister went home, and she was the one called to the new area. It's okay! I will miss her, because I don't think I've ever loved someone so much in such a short time, but she will do great things in Auburn! :) She's the bestttt. Now I am companions with Sister Woolsey and I am loving it. She and I are a lot alike and have similar mindsets. We've both seen adversity in our lives and we're both 25! Whaaaat! :) Elk Plain has got two pretty mature sisters on their hands... Haha. But, yeah, really enjoying being with Sister Woolsey!

This week was really an excellent one. The weather is super nice and we're low on miles, so we biked on Saturday. I like biking a lot because we always see more people that way. I don't know what's gotten into my lately, but I have been way less scared to talk to people. Like, I'll just walk over to them and be like yo (well, in a more dignified manner and stuff). We were walking through a trailer park and I saw these three Hispanics across the yard and without even thinking I just marched right over to them and was like hey! And totally got a referral for the Spanish Elders. Missionary work does get easier. It's just a matter of letting myself adjust... and 5 months in, I think I'm getting the hang of it. More so than my first day, haha. I'll always be learning, but it's nice to have the weight of fear slightly off my shoulders for now. 

Our investigators are doing so great. :) Sister Diamond has decided to get baptized with her kids, which means President can't baptize her because he'll be released, but what a wonderful alternative! I am so blessed to be teaching families. Sister Diamond is seriously the most solid investigator of my life. She texted us the other day telling us how her coworker was totally bashing mormons and had all these crazy ideas about us and she told us how she didn't get angry, she just calmly explained and testified of what she knew to be true, and she really helped her coworker to see things in a different way and understand. How amazing is that?! She's not even baptized yet and she's defending truth and right. She gets a lot of opposition, but she is so strong and just tells them what she knows. Amazing. She'll be a great Relief Society president one day.. :) She fed us dinner the other night and it was so much fun. She is a great person. So wonderful to talk to and really supportive of us, too. So grateful for Sister Diamond! We'll be starting the lessons with her kiddos soon, too. 

Salina is progressing slowly, but she's progressing. She is still not 100% convinced she needs a relationship with God, but more and more she is receiving light into her spirit. She's listening to the Book of Mormon and she really remembers a lot! We had a lesson in the church the other day and it was wonderful. The spirit was peaceful. We helped her discover that she has felt the spirit. She came to church, too! Her little son, Zion, was a little squirmy, so we're not sure how much she heard, but she was still there! That's still something. That's still action. More and more I think we'll understand how this is going to bless her life. She's just the sweetest! 

The very last mission devotion for President and Sister Eaton was last night. It was really fantastic. We got to sing a I Know That My Redeemer Lives in spanish and we sang Hark! All Ye Nations with recent converts from all over the world. Really neat! President Eaton bore a powerful testimony at the end. He was bold. It really strengthened my testimony and confirm to me that this is, indeed, the truth restored on the earth. So often I can feel the subtle temptations of the devil to doubt and disbelieve it all. That none of this is true. I'm in tune enough with the spirit now to realize that those doubts are lies and Satan is not going to get me. I know this is the truth. I know it with all my heart. I know that only through the Priesthood authority that has been restored to the earth can we be made fit for the Kingdom of God through baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. I know it is through this authority that we can be sealed for all eternity in family units, to never be separated. I am grateful for this knowledge. Bringing the the Good News to the world is a tough task with all the array of opposition and those who don't want to hear a thing about it. But, that's okay. I love the examples of Alma and Amulek. They're the bomb. Best missionaries ever. 

I'll really miss the Eaton's. They cared about their missionaries sooooo much. I will forever be grateful for them. They have changed my life. I am so grateful I came to this mission so I could have President Eaton as my mission president and have Sister Eaton to help me through my struggled. She was seriously with me every step of the way. The whole time. She treated me as an individual and cared about my problems. None of us were just "another missionary" to the Eaton's. They knew us all by name and love us. I can't wait to visit them in Rexburg when I go home (he's a religion professor on campus)!


On Friday, we all got blessings from our District Leader and his comp, before Sister Zavala was being transferred the next day just for extra strength and guidance for the new challenges ahead. We were at the church building and there was a scout spaghetti dinner going on. The guy in the kitchen saw us and said "MISSIONARIES! COME GET FOOD!" As nice as it was, none of us really wanted any, but we took some anyway to just take home. Sister Woolsey took just a tiny plate of some haha. We left and were in the parking lot while the Elders were still getting their food. Sister Woolsey had the hilarious idea of leaving the little plate of spaghetti on the hood of the Elder's car and we left a pass along card that said "TAG". Hahah. So we left, thinking we were pretty funny... We get home a while later for the night and we walk up the stairs and we see our table and a chair set up in front of the door like someone had been eating there and we were like what the... and we look at IT'S THE PLATE OF SPAGHETTI!! The Elders left it with the pass along card that now read "YOU'RE IT". HAHAHA WE JUST DIED LAUGHING. Not sure if prank wars are allowed, but, it's totally on... Look how hilarious this is! Hahahaha! 

Missions are fun, ya'll. 

Here's to a new week in Elk Plain! I got some fabulous pictures of Mt. Rainier this time. Still so much better in person. Graham is the coolest.

Love ya!
Sister E


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