Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Sunny Washington

So, I guess the best kept secret in Washington is that about June and July, the rain ceases and it's eternal sunshine until October. The weather here is rather wonderful. It's not humid to me, because I grew up in Texas. It feels great! I'm getting a little sun! It's nice, because the previous week it was completely cloudy and dreary. Wonderful that summer is here.

This past week was an interesting one. I wasn't feeling very good, so I had a hard time getting going, but we still saw some miracles! We met with a handful of less-actives that have been hard to meet with in the past. I love when we catch people right at the right time -- when they're home and in a good mood! There's a really cool story about one sister in particular. As some background, a few weeks ago, Sister Stewart and I were praying about where we should go to find someone to teach. As an answer, Sister Stewart got the image of a yellow house in the middle of a field in the country. It was then our journey to find this yellow house! We searched and searched, but we never found it! We eventually forgot about the yellow house. Then, on Saturday, we went to go see a less-active sister that apparently had been uninterested in visits in the past. But we went anyway. We caught her and her husband as they were leaving and she was just the most lovely person! She said we could call her to come back another time. We were pleased with that. Then, we turned to leave and I was busy writing in my planner looking down when Sister Stewart suddenly says, "That's the yellow house." I stopped in my tracks and looked over and, oh my goodness. A yellow house. In the middle of a field. In the country. Woaahhh! The spirit whispered to her that that was the yellow house! Ahaha! Amazing! Now, to make matters more interesting, in ward counsel yesterday, we found out apparently that this sister has been difficult to reach for a very long time and that her nonmember husband apparently slammed the door in previous Elders' faces, telling them to never come back. And we just happened to catch them both, and the husband was rather neutral and kind and he waved to us as they left. AND it was the yellow house. Perhaps it was time for us to find this less-active sister! The Lord works in mysterious ways, and in His time. We never know! We're going to call her today to try and see her soon. 

On Saturday, we went on splits with our Sister Training Leaders. They each took one of us and we divided up in our area to go finding and to whatever appointments we had in the 2 hour block we were with them. I went with Sister Richardson, and I was initially not looking forward to it because I was completely unprepared to go finding because I had not been feeling well this week. It was a struggle just to get out of the car to walk, let alone go knock on random strangers' doors! But, that's when you just pray with all your might for help... and I learned SO much from Sister Richardson! She is fearless. She declares the gospel with vigor and might and a strong testimony that you know that she knows that it's true. I learned so much from her example! She taught me ways to prepare for finding, such as preparing scriptures and questions to ask people the night before. What I really learned from that all is to be prepared. If we are prepared, no matter the outcome, we can go forth with confidence and know that Heavenly Father will have our back. But, if we go, like I did, completely unprepared, we'll stand there at a door step and go, "uh uh.." and just barely quote the first vision correctly (I did, indeed, get to quote the first vision on a door step that day -- for the very first time on my mission by memory!). I resolved from that moment forward to always be prepared for all things. Granted, like I said, I haven't been feeling well, so my unpreparedness was not the result of laziness and such, but what a good principle to live by -- to be prepared always that we even have a back up and reserve fund to draw from when the moment comes that we need to be prepared! President Monson says, “When the time for decision arrives, the time for preparation is past.” Wonderful counsel. 

I have gained a testimony of using the scriptures to teach powerfully! We taught our FAVOOORRIITEE semi-less-active couple, the Roxstrom's last night and we had an incredible discussion. We felt prompted to share the story of Abraham and Isaac about obedience and sacrifice. Bro Roxstrom is still very much young in the gospel, so he did not know the story. As I told the story, you could tell that it was really hitting him to his core (and he's not an emotional guy -- he's a hard-working farmer that works sun-up to sun-down) and he said it was powerful. He said he doesn't know if he could have done what Abraham did. We are all asked to sacrifice things in our lives, but the blessings of being obedient far out-weight anything we could possibly get by our own efforts. The spirit was thick in the room as I testified that this is true -- that I felt as Abraham has before; to finally get what (I thought) I wanted, only to be asked to put it all on the altar and to go serve a mission. The sacrifice was great and I deemed in painful. But, the blessings from being obedient (even if it took me 7 years) have FAR surpassed anything I could have possible imagined for not only me, but my family. I cannot even begin to list all of the blessings I have seen so far, physically and spiritually, from serving this mission, and I'm only 4 months in. Who is to say what blessing will come by month 16? It blows my mind how much the Lord wants to bless us, if we will but be obedient. After sharing this will Bro Roxstrom, I asked him what is something that would be hard for him to sacrifice, but he knows he would be blessed. After thinking about it, he said, "Reading the scriptures." Ah, how the spirit can teach others far more than our words can. We helped him see that his real sacrifice was time. If he would sacrifice the time for him to read his scriptures, he would see rich blessings. And so he said he would do just that. I love helping others DISCOVER the gospel, rather than just telling them, "Read your scriptures." 

"The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior. . . . That is why we stress so forcefully the study of the doctrines of the gospel." [“Little Children,” Ensign, November 1986, 17]

What do we all need to sacrifice in order for the Lord to bless us more abundantly, and in turn, become who He wants us to become? Is it our pride? Our time? Is it a substance? A behavior? An addiction? 

"Just as the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ is at the center of the plan of salvation, we followers of Christ must make our own sacrifices to prepare for the destiny that plan provides for us." --Elder Dallin H. Oaks

Love you all! 

-Sister E

PS: So there's this ranch we drive by sometimes, and they TOTALLY OWN A ZEBRA. YES. A ZEBRA. It blows our minds every time we see it. I took a picture! Hopefully you can kind of see it! Also, I fed a horse on the side of the road the other day. :) I seriously love living in Maple Valley! You're either in a small town or in the middle of the woods. No in between. Hahaha.

Sister Juliann Marie Eldridge
Washington Federal Way Mission
23175 224th PI SE Ste E
Maple Valley, WA 98038
United States

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