Tuesday, June 14, 2016

I milked a goat

That's right. I milked a goat. By hand and also using the milking machine. IT WAS AWESOME. Sister O'Brian is so cool and taught me. Sister Stewart grew up on a goat farm, so she's already a pro... :) It was so fun!  I seriously love living in Maple Valley so much!

...Except. DUN DUN DUNNNN. 

Yep. It's happened. I'm being TRANSFERRED! Whaaaat! Yeah. I totally called it. The spirit told me a few weeks ago to start organizing my stuff so I did and, yup, I'm leaving the beautiful Maple Valley. And, get this... I'M GOING TO BE IN A TRIO. Haha! Woah! With Sisters Woolsey & Zavara. I'm going to Elk Plain. It's down south in the mission by Graham. Ahhhh! It was so weird packing my stuff and leaving the apartment for the last time. Well. Adventures ahead! I will truly miss the Cedar River ward. Those people changed my life! And I'll miss Randy and Stormi so much! 

I had an excellent last week in Maple Valley, too. Soooo good. We taught some awesome lessons and our investigators and less-actives are progressing! Sister Stewart is being left with some great work. :) She'll be kind-of training a missionary that came on a three-month trial mission and then is coming back out for REAL this time! Really awesome. 

By far my favorite part of this week was going over to our 92-year-old investigator, Geraldine's, house and doing service for her. Her heart, as well as her 95-year-old husband's hearts have softened so much. I got to play violin for them and they just loved it. I'm glad I get to share my talents here. I also played violin in sacrament meeting on Sunday with Sister Vach on piano. :) I played A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief. I love sharing my testimony through music! It's just the best. 

We met another 92-year-old this week. I don't know how we find all these great older folk, but we just do. :) She was a referral from a previous investigator to do service. Her name is Mary Hughes. And let me tell you... This woman has done EVERYTHING! And she's a violinist! She taught school, violin, paints, was in a country band during WWII and all sorts of incredible things in her life. It's seriously incredible the things we learn about the people we meet and the lives they have had. It's a treat getting to meet them all. 

We had a specialized training this week with President and Sister Eaton about the doctrine of the family. It was excellent. It really put in perspective the importance of the new and everlasting covenant. I'm grateful for what I have learned about the family and marriage on my mission. President Eaton goes, "You realize being with a companion on a mission is like bootcamp for marriage, right?" Haha, I can definitely see how that's true. I am really learning what it's like to work together with someone and being unified with them. It's so important to be unified, or else the work is stagnant and not as effective. The spirit is so much stronger when we are both on the same page and working towards the same goals. I can see how so much of this is going to cross over to marriage. It's about compromise, saying "I'm sorry", patience, charity, etc. Learning so much. All. The. Time.

Well. Full speed ahead to my new area. I'm anxious, but excited. Don't know what to expect! Somehow I thought I'd be in Maple Valley forever. It was only 4 months, but it felt like soo much more. It'll always have a place in my heart. I can't believe I am starting my 4th transfer. Whaaat. I'm coming up on my 6 month mark here, people...

Love ya! 
-Sister E

and Sister Stewart took a great selfie for me to remember her by...

New address to come soon

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