Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Hello, fam & friends. Emailing today because the libraries were closed yesterday for Memorial Day!

Good news! We have a few new investigators! It feels awesome to finally have some people to teach. Trevan, a 15 year old (former investigator) is one of them, and he is SO PREPARED and ready! His parents took the lessons ages ago, but are now uninterested, but they are allowing Trevan to take the lessons. He is fully interested and is super mature for his age. A strong athlete and bold in his beliefs. He said he wants to know the truth so that then he can fight for it. He called this life a "training ground" and we are all trying to get to the "next round." So cool! We had a super solid lesson with him last week and the spirit was stronnnngg. He wants to be baptized when he knows it is true! He even has LDS friends from our ward at school and one of them is in a few classes with him. We are excited to keep teaching him! He is just super busy, but he wants to make the time for this. Exciting! 

Another is Geraldine, the 92 year old. The youth did a service project at her house Wednesday night and mowed her lawn and pulled more weeds. We went, too, and it was a blast working side by side with the youth! They are seriously such good kids. Love them! Geraldine was just astonished at the kindness at the church and couldn't believe all these kid would just freely give of their time like they were. Her heart is continuing to be softened. In another visit with Geraldine, we taught her to pray for the very first time in her entire life. Can you believe it? 92 years of living and never once praying. She thought it was rather silly, but she tried! She thanked Heavenly Father for sending us to her. Her very first prayer! Her question still is "why do bad things happen to good people" but eventually I think she will come to understand the more we work with her. Her husband, Ed, is a good guy, too, we got to know him more yesterday. He is slightly blind and disabled now, but still totally with it at the good 'ol age of 95. He served in the Navy. He's a funny, grumpy old man that has a heart of gold, it seems. We look forward to getting to know him better! We don't know when we'll see them next; Geraldine's doctor thinks she has cancer of the blood. She has an appointment this week, but hopefully this weekend we'll see her.

I mentioned in previous emails about Stormi! She's a previous investigator that we are teaching again and we are SO HAPPY about it! She is ready now to accept more gospel truths. She's living with a member and it's super good for her. :) We love teaching her. She is so enthusiastic and fun to teach. The member she lives with reads the Book of Mormon with her. Good things happening there. We taught her last night and had a grand time. 

So grateful for all these people to teach! It's interesting how missionary work goes. Sometimes there's a whole bunch going on and then other times there's a whole lot of nothing. Kind of comes and goes in waves. Although, Maple Valley is kind of a tough area like that -- not a lot of people to find around here! Good 'ol country side... 

Sister Stewart had a birthday last week! She's 23 now. Wahoo! Birthday's are fun. She got like 3 cakes just like I did. The sweets... they never end... 

Until next week! Normal Monday P-Day next week. And next week is the last week of this transfer already! Holy cow! Almost done with my 3rd transfer. That's weird. Also, how is it already pretty much June? It was just January... 

Sis E
Sister Juliann Marie Eldridge
Washington Federal Way Mission
23175 224th PI SE Ste E
Maple Valley, WA 98038
United States

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